GanttPRO Project Management Blog

GanttPRO in Numbers in 2021

GanttPRO in numbers (2021 review)

2021 comes to a close — time to take stock and share actual numbers and facts.

This year has been anything but ordinary, and it’s a pleasure to see what we’ve done and to learn what we could have done differently.

And before we say “goodbye” to 2021, we’d like to take a moment to highlight some of its most noteworthy achievements and milestones. Of course, none of them would have been possible without you, our customers.

So let’s reflect on the passing year in GanttPRO: from the ambitious goals and perspectives to launching new features and welcoming new customers.

Here’re the main achievements in 2021 we are proud of:

Well, one of the most challenging years in memory has finally come to an end. We’ve accomplished more than we thought possible. 

We will continue with our mission: providing you with the best online Gantt chart maker for better work.

Thank you for being with us in 2021! We look forward to doing even more great things for you in 2022. 

Have a safe and happy New Year!

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