
Here you can find information about GanttPRO online Gantt chart software releases and updates, new features and developer’s announcements. Also in this category authorized users can give their suggestion on the point of improvements, share their insights or ask questions and recieve answers from GanttPRO team.

Gantt Chart vs Timeline: Which Tool Will Turn Your Project to Win?

If a Gantt diagram and a timeline are the same things to you, then you are in the right place. The battle “Gantt chart vs. timeline” will not reveal the unconditional winner. Still, it will show essential differences between these tools and clarify controversial points about what seems better for planning your work. When we…

Paolo Kukhnavets
October 27, 2021
Estimated reading time: 9 minutes
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Gantt Chart vs. Roadmap: How to Differentiate Them and Use for Project Success

People involved in project management know when to use a Gantt chart and when to apply a roadmap instead. However, some individuals in this sphere still do not clearly understand the difference between the two approaches and don’t pay enough attention to the “Gantt chart vs. roadmap” issue.  So what is the difference between these…

Paolo Kukhnavets
October 22, 2021
Estimated reading time: 11 minutes
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Gantt Chart vs. Kanban: What Will Empower Your Project?

About 100 years ago, the American Henry Gantt presented the chart that bears his name. A little later, Taiichi Ohno, an engineer at Toyota Corporation, developed the Kanban system. Gantt chart vs. Kanban is the real dilemma for project teams that strive to find out the best way to visualize their projects, schedule, manage, and…

Paolo Kukhnavets
October 18, 2021
Estimated reading time: 13 minutes
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How to Customize Projects with GanttPRO: Updated Custom Fields

Do you enjoy using custom fields in the online Gantt chart maker? We believe you do: they give the flexibility to plan and manage projects with a customized approach. However, we decided to improve the feature and make it even more flexible. Let’s figure out what those updates are. Custom fields menu From now on,…

Andrew Stepanov
September 29, 2021
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
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How to Manage Project Delays: 10 Really Working Tips for Efficient Managers

If everything goes according to a plan, it means that you are living in an ideal world. However, we plan, God laughs.  Let’s notice: collapses and failures occur. Project delays do also happen. Many projects finish late. Is it easy to catch the reason and understand how to avoid problems with schedules and deadlines in project…

Paolo Kukhnavets
October 7, 2021
Estimated reading time: 10 minutes
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10 Best Online Project Management Software for Startups [Including Free]

If you are a part of a startup or a small business, every minute and dollar is precious for you. Therefore you need intuitive, cost-effective, and secure project management software for startups. According to a survey, the top-3 public issues for startups in the USA, the UK, and Canada are access to talents, cybersecurity, and…

Paolo Kukhnavets
October 16, 2022
Estimated reading time: 16 minutes
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14 Project Milestones Examples

The arsenal of project management tools looks incomplete without milestones. This vital tool helps project teams to identify what must be done to achieve their goals and boost their productivity.  Having project milestones examples at hand stimulates the right synergy among your team and ensures the desired project outcomes. Below you’ll find the examples of…

Paolo Kukhnavets
September 23, 2021
Estimated reading time: 10 minutes
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How to Present a Project

Presenting a project requires studying dozens of sources, from books and lectures to innovative methodologies. How to present a project so that your team members, stakeholders, executives, or clients say “wow!”?  It can be a challenge. But there is nothing impossible for managers who consider a project timeline presentation a part of their daily job.…

Paolo Kukhnavets
September 13, 2021
Estimated reading time: 13 minutes
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